How to cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription at any time. We're sorry to see you go, but you can come back whenever you want.

To cancel your subscription, when logged in to your inbox click on your user menu in the top-right, and choose "Subscription & Billing". Click the cancel button.

You current subscription will run until the end of your billing period.

Who can cancel or manage my subscription?

As the account owner only you can cancel your subscription. Every user has their own billing account and team members do not have access to yours.

What happens to my account?

When you cancel, your account will automatically downgrade to the free plan and your data will be retained, but paid features will not be accessible. You are welcome to continue using the service for basic free chat.

What about my team members?

As the account owner, your team members will lose access to your account when you cancel. They can easily gain access